Health Services » What does the Health Services do?

What does the Health Services do?

Our health services staff, comprised of Credentialed School Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Licensed Vocational Nurses and Health Assistants, all provide superior healthcare services to our students and families.
We provide first aid services, consultations, health education, triage and referral for students and their families. The school nurse assists in the special education process and evaluates health needs, provides information to a team of professionals and develops health care plans for Individualized Educational Plans and for 504 Plans to assist students in accessing all curriculum.
Our school nurses stay up to date on changing health care issues and laws that are constantly evolving.
Our health services maintains an Epi-Pen program, provides CPR training for staff, maintains equipment, performs specialized procedures and monitors medication administration and work with community partners to provide services to our families. Additionally school nurses are part of the first response team for emergency situations and for disaster events.
There are 3 part time health clinics at various school sites and the dental clinics at the Jeff Seymour Family Center. The development of community collaborations with medical, dental and optometry services is ongoing all for the benefit of our students and their families.