Yvette Hall is EMCSD's Outstanding Educator Yvette Hall, teacher from El Monte City School District (EMCSD), was awarded the Robert “Bobby” Salcedo Esperanza Award for Outstanding Educator at last week’s 20th Annual Tamalada. Click headline to read more!
Student Free Day on Monday, January 22: No School for TK - 8 students Schools will be closed on Monday, January 22 for Student Free Day. Teachers and school staff will be participating in professional development opportunities with the goal of enhancing our everyday programming. Schools will resume to regular schedules on Tuesday, January 23, 2024. Head Start will have their regularly scheduled day on Monday, January 22
NO SCHOOL: Thursday, Dec. 21 - Friday Jan. 5 All schools will be closed Thursday, Dec. 21 - Friday, Jan. 5. District Office will be closed Dec. 22, Dec. 25, Dec. 29, and Jan. 1. School resumes Monday, January 8
EMCSD’s Popular Mariachi Academy Returns Bigger than Ever El Monte City School District’s popular Mariachi Academy has returned in grand fashion. Students from all 14 schools can participate and learn the cultural significance of Mariachi and how to play various instruments. Click headline to read more!
4th Grade Sacramento Study Trip - Information Meeting, December 12, 2023 at 6pm 4th Grade Parents: The Information Meeting for the 4th Grade Sacramento Study Trip in March 2024 is scheduled for Tuesday, December 5 at 6pm. Click headline for more details.
8th Grade Washington DC Study Trip - Information Meeting, December 13, 2023 REMINDER: 8th Grade Information Meeting for Washington DC Study Trip is Wednesday, December 6 at 6pm. Click headline for more details.
NO SCHOOL: Monday, Nov. 20 - Friday, Nov. 24 All schools will be closed Monday, Nov. 20 - Friday, Nov. 24. District Office will be closed Wednesday, Nov. 22 - Friday, Nov. 24. School resumes Monday, Nov. 27.
Parent Resources Newsletter: November 17, 2023 Click headline to access our latest Parent Resources Newsletter that features information about Shirpser's Tar Pits experience, Cherrylee's First Harvest Festival, and Potrero's Nature Hike!
NO SCHOOL: Friday, November 10 in observance of Veterans Day All schools and district offices will be closed on Friday, November 10, 2023 in observance of Veterans Day. School will resume on Monday, November 13.
Talking to Your Child About Violence: Parent Resources Click the headline to access resources that may be helpful to you and your family when discussing school, community-based, or world tragedies. Resources include hotlines and resources you can access locally and in LA County. Remember, if your student needs extra mental wellness support, please get in touch with your school office.