Purchasing & Warehouse » Past Request for Proposals (RFPs)

Past Request for Proposals (RFPs)

RFP 2023
RFP 2023-1
El Monte City School District (“District”) is seeking proposals from qualified persons, firms, partnerships, corporations, associations, or professional organizations to provide constructability review, value engineering, master scheduling, cost estimating, budgeting, and construction services for the development and construction for the Cortada School Early Childhood Modernization Project (“Project”), in accordance with the lease-leaseback structure set forth in Education Code section 17406 et seq.

The Request for Qualifications and Proposals (“RFQ/P”), which includes instructions for its completion, is enclosed for your consideration. Respondents to this RFQ/P shall submit a completed Statement of Qualifications (“SOQ”) along with the Proposal (collectively “RFQ/P Packet”).

The District will only receive RFQ/P Packets submitted electronically. RFQ/P Packets must be submitted on or by 4 P.M. ON TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 2023 only at the following email address [email protected]
Any RFQ/P Packet that is submitted after this time shall be nonresponsive and returned to the bidder. Each respondent is solely responsible for timely submission of its RFQ/P Packet; the District is not responsible for any technological issues in a respondent’s ability to timely submit its RFQ/P Packet or portion thereof.

A mandatory information meeting and site walk will be conducted on TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 2023, at 3 P.M. The meeting will be held at Cortada School located at 3111 Potrero Ave, El Monte, CA 91733. 

Questions regarding this RFQ/P may be directed to [email protected] and must be submitted on or by 12 P.M. ON TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 2023.

This Project is subject to labor compliance monitoring and enforcement of compliance with prevailing wage requirements by the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code § 1771.4, and skilled and trained workforce requirement pursuant to Public Contract Code § 2600. Contractors of all tiers must be currently registered and qualified to perform public work pursuant to Labor Code § 1725.5. All Respondents must be prequalified by the District in accordance with Public Contract Code § 20111.6. First tier electrical, mechanical and plumbing subcontractors must be prequalified prior to the time subcontractor bids are submitted. See Prequalification Packet. Developer shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws regarding COVID-19.
See full PDF of RFP 2023-1 below
Addendum No. 1
Questions & Answers
Lease-Leaseback for Cortada Headstart Modular Project RFP# 2023-1
March 30, 2023
1. Is there an engineer estimate for this project?
Answer: A feasibility study was conducted in May of 2021 as part of the District’s efforts to pursue grant funding for this proposed project. Please note that the intended project location was subsequently changed from the south side of the campus to the north side which also
affected the scope of work outlined in the initial feasibility study. The feasibility study is being
shared since there was interest in reviewing this planning document. Please refer to that
document here: Feasibility Study

2. Please clarify the Prequalification process for subcontractors.
Answer: If used, contractors holding C-4, C-7, C-10, C-16, C-20, C-34, C-36, C-38, C-42, C-43,
and/or C-46 licenses (collectively, “MEP subcontractors”) shall be prequalified by the
District to perform construction work as a first-tier subcontractor on the Project
pursuant to Public Contract Code section 20111.6. A completed Pre-Qualification Packet must
be submitted to [email protected] by April 4, 2023.
3. What is the share of responsibility for the contractor?
Answer: The District with the cooperation of our Modular Contractor has formulated a
responsibility matrix. Please refer to that document here: Responsibility Matrix
4. Is asbestos abatement required for this project?
Answer: Yes, asbestos abatement will be a requirement for the Demolition of the existing
structures as indicated in the scope of the original RFP. For more detailed information on the
asbestos report please refer to the document here: Asbestos Report
Addendum No. 2
Questions & Answers
Lease-Leaseback for Cortada Headstart Modular Project RFP# 2023-1
1.Is the prequalification deadline for subcontractors also April 4?
Answer: Only prime contractor prequalification packets need to be received by April 4. MEP
subcontractor prequalification's can be received after April 4 and will not have an effect on their
consideration for this project. However, subcontractor prequalification's MUST be prequalified
before any work is done on the project, so we encourage all subcontractors that are interested
to please submit their packets for consideration earlier to prevent any delays. 
See full PDF of RFP 2023-2 below
RFP: 2022-1
Regarding Facilities Master Planning Services - El Monte City School District
RFP 2022-1
RFP Submission Deadline: June 17, 2022 at 4:00pm PST
Location for Submission of Proposals:
El El Monte City School District
Purchasing Department
3540 N. Lexington Ave., El Monte, CA 91731
ATTN: Celia Carvajal, Manager Business Support Services/Purchasing
The El Monte City School District ("District") is soliciting proposals from experienced
architectural firms that can help with the planning, development and related work associated
with a Long-Range Facilities Master Plan ("Facilities Master Plan").

The purpose of this Request for Proposals ("RFP") is to obtain information that will enable the
District to select an ideal candidate that can effectively partner with the District to perform
various components of a Facilities Master Plan. Each Architectural firm responding to this RFP
should be prepared and equipped to provide complete and detailed Facilities Master Planning
services on behalf of the District in an expeditious and timely manner and enable the District to
meet critical time deadlines and schedules.

If your firm is interested in providing Facilities Master Planning services for or on behalf of the
District, please submit a detailed summary of your firm’s qualifications in accordance with this
RFP. The deadline for receipt of PROPOSALs is 4:00 P.M.(PST), on June 17, 2022 ("Response
Deadline"). Note that proposals delivered after the Response Deadline may not be considered.
A minimum of five (5) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy on a flash drive in PDF format of
your proposal should be submitted to Celia Carvajal.
All submittals will become the property of the District. Information in the proposals will become
public property and subject to disclosure laws. The District reserves the right to make use of any
information or ideas in the proposals, reject any or all applicants, and to waive any irregularities
or informalities in the RFP and RFP process. All costs associated with the preparation or
submissions of qualifications, for this RFP are solely the responsibility of the candidates.
In order for the District to make an informed decision regarding selecting an architectural firm
among responsible and responsive candidates, your proposal must contain the following
described elements or evidence that the architectural candidate meets or exceeds the
requirements stated hereto in this RFP.
To view full RFP, please see PDF attached below.
June 14, 2022
What is the anticipated deadline for completion of the Master Plan?
Answer: The District will work collaboratively with the awarded firm to develop a realistic timeline for the completion of the Master Plan. The District would like to expedite the completion of this Master Plan while not compromising the process of gathering input from various stakeholders.
Is the awarded firm barred from future projects?
Answer: No, so long as the District would violate any laws by awarding a future project to the Master Plan awarded firm.
Section “2. Proposal Format” under Table of Contents there is a “Project Approach” bullet point, but not a further breakdown of what is to be included. Would you please provide what the firm’s proposal shall at a minimum, include in that section as is denoted in other sections?
Answer: An explanation of how the awarded firm would approach the project of assisting the District in the development and completion of a Master Plan.
On Page 3, Section 1.3.2, the task calls out providing recommendations for energy savings.  Please clarify or explain what you hope to get out of the recommendations so we can propose scope to align with that.
Answer: The District would be open to any recommendations from the awarded firm, given their related expertise and experience that would improve the conditions of its facilities. The District views the development of the Master Plan as a collaborative process alongside its stakeholders and the awarded firm. For example, if the District were to identify a need to modernize their staff parking lot, we would hope to receive energy savings recommendations from the awarded firm of potentially adding shade structures that can also serve as solar energy structures. The District would then take these types of recommendations from the awarded firm into consideration when defining their needs in the Master Plan and prioritizing projects.
On Page 4, Item 1.7, the task calls out the presentation of the draft Facilities Master Plan (including estimates, schedules, and possible funding scenarios). Will the district be providing State Eligibility sources?
Answer: The District intends to access whatever State matching funds it can as long as those projects are in alignment with the District’s vision and goals.
Please provide square footage for each campus if possible.
Answer: The following provided is the District’s best estimate of the square footage by Buildings.
School Approx. Building Square Footage
Cherrylee 29486
Cleminson 21396
Columbia 67436
Cortada 26708
Durfee 89630
Gidley 34133
Legore 31532
New Lexington 21507
Potrero 51379
Rio Hondo 48493
Rio Vista 27944
Shirpser 30468
Wilkerson 27350
Wright 41710
Total 549172
Would you be able to send a copy of the District’s typical Architectural Agreement?
Answer: The District will provide a standard agreement prepared by our legal counsel and is in the process of developing this agreement. Language in the agreement is always subject to negotiation between the District and the awarded firm.
We understand the preliminary schedule has Interviews on June 23rd. Given that some of our proposed team members will be attending the AIA National Conference on this date (in Chicago); and others have planned vacations, would the District consider choosing another date for interviews, should our firm be shortlisted?
Answer: The District will be conducting virtual interviews to facilitate the interview process for all parties involved and is open to making accommodations where certain scheduling conflicts may arise.
Section 1.3.2 notes to develop “recommendations for energy” and Section 1.4 notes to develop “Sustainable Construction Guidelines”. Is the District intending to pursue CHPS or LEED on future projects?
Answer: In consultation with the awarded firm, the District would be open to learning more about the advantages and/or disadvantages of pursuing the aforementioned guidelines on future projects so that it may take that under consideration.
Section 1.4 also notes to “reflect the District facilities standards and educational goals.” Have those standards and goals already been defined or is that definition part of the FMP development process we are to include in our Services?
Answer: Those standards and goals exist in the District but have not necessarily been defined concretely. This is an area in which the District will work collaboratively with the awarded firm to ensure that the District’s facilities standards are in alignment with the District’s educational goals.
RFP 2022-2
Architectural Services for Headstart Cortada Modular Project - El Monte City School District
RFP 2022-2
RFP Submission Deadline: June 23, 2022 at 4:00pm PST
Location for Submission of Proposals: 
El Monte City School District
Purchasing Department
3540 N. Lexington Ave., El Monte, CA 91731
ATTN: Celia Carvajal, Manager Business Support Services/Purchasing
The El Monte City School District ("District") is soliciting proposals from experienced
architectural firms that can help with the planning, development and related work associated
with a Head Start and Early Head Start Modular Buildings Project at Cortada School.

The purpose of this Request for Proposals ("RFP") is to obtain information that will enable the
District to select an ideal candidate that can effectively partner with the District to perform
various components of a Head Start and Early Head Start Modular Buildings Project. Each
Architectural firm responding to this RFP should be prepared and equipped to provide complete
and detailed Head Start and Early Head Start Modular Buildings Project at Cortada School
services on behalf of the District in an expeditious and timely manner and enable the District to
meet critical time deadlines and schedules.

If your firm is interested in providing Head Start and Early Head Start Modular Buildings Project
at Cortada School architectural services for or on behalf of the District, please submit a detailed
summary of your firm’s qualifications in accordance with this RFP. The deadline for receipt of
PROPOSALs is 4:00 PM, on June 23, 2022 ("Response Deadline"). Note that proposals
delivered after the Response Deadline may not be considered. An electronic copy on a flash
drive in PDF format or an email with a PDF copy of your proposal should be submitted to
Celia Carvajal. 
All submittals will become the property of the District. Information in the proposals will become
public property and subject to disclosure laws. The District reserves the right to make use of any
information or ideas in the proposals, reject any or all applicants, and to waive any irregularities
or informalities in the RFP and RFP process. All costs associated with the preparation or
submissions of qualifications for this RFP are solely the responsibility of the candidates.
In order for the District to make an informed decision regarding selecting an architectural firm
among responsible and responsive candidates, your proposal must contain the following
described elements or evidence that the architectural candidate meets or exceeds the
requirements stated hereto in this RFP. 
To view full RFP, please see PDF attached below.
June 17, 2022
In RFP Section 2.5 - El Monte City School District Vision, you ask, “describe how a local presence
will be established and maintained.” Can you please define what you mean by “local presence”?
Answer: The District would like to know how your firm would go about approaching a project like this
while balancing/incorporating the input of the District into the design.

Is it the district’s intent to have the architecture firm that succeeds in winning the contract open an
office within the district’s boundaries?
Answer: That is not the District’s intent.

The Floor Plan on RFP Page 15 appears to show a “flush-to-grade” modular installation (no
ramps). Please confirm that the new modular will be flush to grade.
Answer: It is the District’s intent to have a flush to grade installation. However, as we move forward in
the design phase, the District will take other options into consideration in consultation with the advice of
the selected architect firm.
Under Tab 8, the Cost Estimate section- There is a line item for “Preliminary Tests/Soils Report.”
Has the District had a soils report performed? If not, should the cost for one be included in our
Answer: The District has conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report that can be accessed
here. If a soils report is necessary for this project, please include the cost in your proposal.
Under Tab 8, the Cost Estimate section-There is a line item for “Site Survey.” Has the District had
a site survey performed? If not, should the cost for one be included in our proposal?
Answer: The District has conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report that can be accessed
here. If a site survey is necessary for this project, please include the cost in your proposal.

Under Tab 8, the Cost Estimate section-There is a line item for “Environmental Phase 1 Report”.
Has the District had an Environmental or CEQA report performed? If not, is an environmental or
CEQA consultant required for this project and should we include a cost for their services in our
Answer: The District has conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report that can be accessed
here. The District has not had any other environmental or CEQA reports performed. If a report of this
type is necessary for this project, please include the cost in your proposal.

Can you provide clarification on the ages of students who will occupy the new modular building(s)
for the Head Start and Early Head Start program at Cortada School?
Answer: The ages of students who will occupy the new modular buildings are ages three to five years-old.
With regard to the minimum insurance requirements, it seems that the limits are quite high for a
$4.5 million, modular building project. We’re concerned that our sub-consultants will not be able to
meet these requirements. Is there any possibility the District would consider reducing the limits for
this project?
Answer: If your proposal does not meet the minimum insurance requirements, please indicate that in your
proposal. The District will take that item into consideration when evaluating the proposal alongside many
other factors. Insurance limits will not be the sole factor that determines the proposal the District moves
forward with. Although we are not waiving this insurance requirement completely, the District may offer
some flexibility, at the District’s discretion.
Is the Architect firm who prepared the feasibility study, precluded from pursuing the project?
Answer: No.
Is the modular building already purchased? Is there a preselected manufacturer that will be
providing pre-approved DSA approved drawings? Is what they are providing available now for
Answer: The modular building is not already purchased nor is there a preselected manufacturer. That
decision will be made in consultation and with input from the design firm we partner with.
Will the toilets and interior be prefab by the manufacturer? Or will it be site built as a modification
to the pre-approved DSA modular building.
Answer: That decision will be made in consultation and with input from the design firm we partner with.
Will the mechanical for the building be pre-designed by manufacturer? Please clarify if I will need
a mechanical or plumbing engineer for the internal bldg. design?
Answer: That decision will be made in consultation and with input from the design firm we partner with.
Including a mechanical and plumbing engineer may likely be needed for the internal building design.
In looking at the site plan, the modular building will be recessed into the ground. Please confirm.
Answer: It is the District’s intent to have a flush to grade installation. However, as we move forward in
the design phase, the District will take other options into consideration in consultation with the advice of
the selected architect firm.
It does not look like the playground is fully designed. Is that the case, and is there equipment
already selected that we are designing for?
Answer: There is not equipment already selected and the District will work in collaboration with the
awarded firm to determine the best approach.
Should an alternate fee be provided for replacing and redesigning the existing playground as noted
in item 4 of the project description?
Answer: Yes, please include an alternate fee.
What are the ages of the Headstart program and how many kids will be in each classroom? Is there
a final program?
Answer: The ages of the students for Headstart Program will be from three to five years old and the
classroom size is 20 per classroom.
In item 2.5 the RFP talks about the District’s Vision. Is there a specific master plan document that
provides this information? Please clarify.
Answer: The District is currently in the process of updating its Master Plan later this summer. The
District’s vision and mission statement can be found
here: https://www.emcsd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1557647&type=d&pREC_ID=1683247
I see that another firm has provided the feasibility study. Will they be given a preference due to
their experience with the project and the District?
Answer: No.
How many firms have been sent this RFP? Or how many responses do you expect?
Answer: We have sent an email to 74 architectural firms and we hope to receive multiple proposals that
the District can evaluate.
Can the insurance requirements for subconsultants be less than 2.9 indicates. These amounts seem
excessive for this amount of work.
Answer: If your proposal does not meet the minimum insurance requirements, please indicate that in your
proposal. The District will take that item into consideration when evaluating the proposal alongside many
other factors. Insurance limits will not be the sole factor that determines the proposal the District moves
forward with. Although we are not waiving this insurance requirement completely, the District may offer
some flexibility, at the District’s discretion.
Regarding Scope of Work 1.1:Is the proposed work limited to only updating the ‘Statement of
Probable Cost’ and ‘Schedule’ (they are over a year old), or are additional floor plan / site and
programming studies desired?
Answer: Additional floor plans and studies would most likely be desired. The initial feasibility study is
over a year old and was required as part of the District’s application with the Office of Head Start as it
pursued additional funding to initiate and complete this project.
Regarding Scope of Work 1.2: Are there CAD files and DSA record drawings available for the site?
Answer: To our knowledge, there are no CAD files available for this site. The District most likely has
DSA records drawings available for this site.
Regarding Scope of Work 1.2:Item 1.2 notes providing a cost estimate for construction, since the
ROM cost is already part of item 1.1, are you looking for an updated estimate at 90% Construction
Answer: Please provide an updated cost estimate as you see fit.
Regarding Scope of Work 1.2: Are there District Standards available?
Answer: There are no District standards available.
Regarding Scope of Work 1.2: Will close-out of any past uncertified projects to addressed by
District prior to start of work?
Answer: To our knowledge, there are no uncertified DSA projects that need to be addressed prior to the
commencement of work.
Regarding Scope of Work 1.2: Is the fire alarm system for the proposed modular structure/s to
communicate with the existing system or be ‘stand-alone’?
Answer: It is the intent of the District for the fire alarm systems to be tied-in with the existing system.
However, the District will evaluate, in consultation with the awarded firm, the advantages and/or
disadvantages of a stand-alone system as it relates to this project.
Regarding the Feasibility Study: The Feasibility Study notes either (1) 40x120 module or (2) 40X60
modules, please confirm desired size.
Answer: The District will work in collaboration with the awarded firm to determine the best fit/size for
this project. The District would like the desired size that would be most cost efficient to construct while
not impacting the usability of the space.
RFP 2022-3
El Monte City School District (“District”) is requesting proposals from qualified firms for two phases of an HVAC improvement project: (1) HVAC assessments and funding application, then a second phase of (2) implementation, maintenance, and repairs (“Project”) to be funded by the California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency (“CalSHAPE”) Ventilation Program under the School Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program (“SEES”) enacted under Assembly Bill 841. The District seeks to enter a contract with a successful respondent for submission of the funding application; and the District will seek to enter into a contract with the successful respondent in accordance with Government Code section 4217.10 et seq. for the second phase provided that certain legal requirements are met.

The Request for Qualifications and Proposals (“RFP”), which includes instructions for its completion, is enclosed for your consideration. Respondents to this RFP shall submit a completed Statement of Qualifications (“SOQ”) along with the Proposal (collectively “RFP Packet”).

Please note that, if a successful respondent is unable to demonstrate the Project will generate energy savings within the meaning of Government Code section 4217.10, et seq., the District may elect to utilize the respondent’s services for only phase one of the Project and competitively bid the phase two implementation work.
The District will only receive RFP Packets submitted electronically. RFP Packets will be received until 12:00 p.m., September 21, 2022, only at the following email address: [email protected]
Any RFP Packet that is submitted after this time shall be nonresponsive and returned to the bidder. Each respondent is solely responsible for timely submission of its RFP Packet; the District is not responsible for any technological issues in a respondent’s ability to timely submit its RFP Packet or portion thereof.
Questions regarding this RFP may be directed to [email protected] and must be submitted in writing on or by 4:00 P.M. on September 12, 2022. Please include “RFP 2022-3 Question” in the subject line.
This Project is subject to labor compliance monitoring and enforcement of compliance with prevailing wage requirements by the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code, § 1771.4.
To view full RFP, please see PDF attached below.
To see past RFPs, please click here.
Addendum No. 1 Questions & Answers CALSHAPE Consultant Services RFP# 2022-3
We are a fully certified TAB/MATE contractor. We have performed AB841
assessments in the recent past. We have never been involved in “Implementation
Consultant Services”. We do not prefer to get involved in that work. We are
interested in providing a proposal to perform the assessment work under the
AB841 format.
It has been our experience in the past that the district provides a list of units that
would require this assessment work for each school in the district. Many of these
lists show things like the tonnage, model#, and serial # of each unit and where it
serves. We need this kind of information to properly submit a proposal.
Is this kind of information going to be provided in time to provide a bid by
Answer: Please see below for the current EMCSD A/C Inventory: