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Home - Student Support Services

Welcome to the El Monte City School District Student Support Services
The Student Support Services Department intentionally partners with staff, families, and the community to provide equitable access to comprehensive programs and supports that ensure all students achieve to their fullest potential. Student Support Services coordinates the following but not limited to the EMCSD: Sparking Ingenuity Programs (Before & After-School Enrichment as part of Expanding Learning), Gifted and Talented Education Program (GATE), Behavior Intervention Specialist Program, Section 504 plans, and community liaison programming and support.
The Team
Doris Tran
Director of Student Support Services
Belen Alarcon
Administrative Clerk
626-453-3760 ext. 3741
Jacob Muniz
Sparking Ingenuity Programs Coordinator
626-453-3700 ext. 3697
Eliza Blanco
Administrator on Special Assignment (Migrant Education Programs)
Ilbea Fedele
Coordinator of Child Welfare
Rose Lazo
District Community Liaison (English & Spanish)
626-453-3700 ext. 3611
Anh Truong
District Community Liaison (English & Vietnamese)
626-453-3700 ext. 3668
Yudan Wang
District Community Liaison (English & Mandarin)
626-453-3700 ext. 3674
Rosa Ocegueda
Social Worker - McKinney-Vento Homeless Youth Program