Student Support Services » Section 504 Plans

Section 504 Plans

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits the discrimination of students with physical or mental impairments and guarantees a free and appropriate education. Simply having a condition or disability does not automatically qualify a student for a Section 504 Accommodation Plan. An eligible student must meet the following three criteria: (I) a mental or physical impairment, (II) which substantially limits, (III) one or more major life activities. This mental or physical impairment must be why the student cannot equally access or receive benefit to the school’s services, programs, and/or activities. Keep in mind that Section 504 is a civil rights law and not a special education law. Therefore, eligible students are provided with equal opportunity within the general education setting and general education staff are responsible for implementing the Section 504 Accommodation Plan.
Click here to access the 504 Notice of Parent Rights.
If you have any reason to believe that your child may be eligible under Section 504, please contact your principal first. For additional information, please contact:
Lauren McClearn
627-453-3700 ext. 3698